Numero Uno - No offense but Bums scare me. They sometimes follow you around when your not looking. && it just freaks me out.
Numero Dos - im scared of BUGS. Even though they are so smaller then me, they creep me out. Like imagine them crawling all over your body and you feel all their legs and little hairs on you. Ewhh its just nasty && they look scary tooo.
Numero Tres - i dont like clowns. Their just plain freaky.
Numero Quatro - im scared of falling from high places because its scary duhh. Like if i fall off i building by accident or something i wonder if ima die ( well of course ima die -__- ) buhh like i wonder if ima like be alive ya know what im saying like after i fall and hit the floor will i go straight to death or open my eyes and move ?
Numero Cinco - im scared of big birdss ! [ Nahh not big bird btw ]
im gunna write about my fear of big birds /=
soo yea im scared of them. i always have dreams that huge birds follow me around and try to kill me. i end up killing them though and running away :) but im not scared of them just cuz i dream that they try to kill me. They're just so big that they can do anything to you. They could carry you somewhere and eat you up or use their long feet nails and scratch you up or peck on you with their large beaks. Thats kinda scary to me. But im never gunna see a big bird like that cuz they dont live in the city... but what if they all flew down here and attacked New york??? Hopefully that wont happen...but yea this is whyy im scared of big birds !!