Thursday, January 21, 2010

Love at Firstt Siqht ;

" Do You Believe In Love At First Sight Or Should ii Walk By Again ? "

i dOnt think this kinda love if possiblee,, becawzz how aree yew just gunna fall in love wiff someonee yew just laid eyes on. Lykee ohkay,, i know yew might think they're soo good looking but thats all yew'ree falling for. Lykee thats all yew gunna care about,, its lykee yew not gunna realize what typee of person they really are. Honestly,, they could be a real pain in the butt orr probably someone that wouldn't treat yew right,, buhh yew wouldn't realize that becawz yew too busy 'loving' their looks,, not them. Lykee what iff that person was really,, uhmm not good looking,, wouldd yew still have ' fallen in love with them ' supposedly knowing yaw was meant to be togther? Yew prolly wouldn't right? Exactly my point. Yew cant fall in love wiff someone just by simply looking at them lykee thats stuppid. Yew can have a little crush, buhh LOVE them? Goshh yew must be crazy. i have been in ' lovee ',, well at least i thought i was But honestly i dont have no idea what love is && All of yew have no idea eitherr so dont pretend lykee yew do. Yaw prolly think its all 'bouut kissing and doing otherr stupid or naughty stuff but no yew have no idea. We aree to young to know what it is,, Yew may think its soo simple to love but its not. My point of view of being in love is being Trust worthy & loyal to yew'ree partner,, Loving them no matter what,, nawt caring how they look or how others think of them,, thinking their beautiful inside & out,, & knowing yew could alweys be yew'ree self around them & not being fakee lykee most people are. Trust me,, falling in love is not worth the pain,, dont fall in love unless yew'ree really ready to let yew'ree heart go. Becawzz if yew let just anyonee have yew'ree heart,, they just might end up breaking it.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Faces Where They Shouldn't Be....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Xtraanormall Dirtyy Waterr :D

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dirrtyy Waterr x3

One way water gets contaminated is because people in other places don't have toilets and stuff or latrine and when they pee or poop and it travels under ground in the dirt and gets to their drinking water. And if that happens,, over 100,000,000,000 Viruses and 10,000,000 Bacteria.. **Gasspiff !
One disease that is caused by water contamination is Cholera,, which causes massive diarrhea. Nearly 1.5 million children in the world die cause of diarrhea,, which is caused by drinking dirty water and poor sanitation and hygiene.
Some ways to get rid of contaminated water is chlorine tablets. You just drop it in the water and POOF,, it cleans it right away.
Another way is to put the water in the sunlight because the suns solar waves disinfect or burns the dirty bacteria from the water.
I don't think everyone has these inventions because most people well alotta people everywhere cant afford them,, but it should be free that way no one will get sick and suffer like this because thats bad and its sad to know that kids,, younger than 5,, are dying cause of dirty water...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Iff Todayy Wuzz Yhourr Last Day..

Ohhh boyyy if today wuzz my last day i'd do things i wouldn't normally do by myself Or wiff my bestiess . :]
I'dd get tattoos, piercings [ haha ] i'dd sail allll across the world in 5 minutes xD [ iff thats possible ] i'dd milk a cow, drive a car & crash it, give a hobo a piggie back ride, run around naked >.< [ Nawhhh .... well.. maybiee xD ] go to pluto, shave someones head, grow a thirdd ear, bunggee jump off the Empire State building, eat a thousand gummie worms, go to alaska and snuggle wiff the eskimos, adopt a chipmunk, donate hair to cancer people, run around in a hospital hugging sick people :) , eat vegetables, tackle Justin Bieber, jump out a plane wiffout a parachute amd live [ one word ; OUCH ! ], Butt most importantlyy,, i'dd tell my babehh shee is the best thing that ever happened to me && i'll never forget her [ im tlkinqq bout Brianna :D haha awwwh ]

Goshh theres just soo much i would do and all that up there ^^ is just examples,, those arent errything..Buhh thats all im doing for now..
.....Until Next Timee :]