i chosee the videos about ;

The birds

Fox & Ducks

And Sharks .
In the birds video, it shows birds & how they act & stuff . The enviroment in this video wuss in a forest or something i think. In the fox & ducks video, it showed how foxes eat the ducks. Its preitty sad to watch. Almost cried *teear. The enviroment in this video wus in lyke a free space where lyke theres no buildings && in the sharks video it showed the sharks attacking seals and swimming in the water & jumping out. the enviroment there wus in the oceann.
The enviroments in these videos are WAY different from New York. You hardly see trees & free space anywhere. All you see is mostly buildings everywhere. The Shark video Enviroment is kinda lyke the rivers & oceans we have but except i dont think theres any seals. 'cept the zoo T= there'ss seals there.
If i were to travel to one of these places, i think it would be the birds video Enviroment because i would love to see all the different animals & plants in the forest. I bet i havent even heard of some of the animals living there. buhh yeaa i would lyke to observe on how the animals act && how they live their lives. ;D
nice work! keep up with the good writing that you do!
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