I learned what Estuary means. I've never heard of that word before though haha. Well an Estuary is when the Rivers travel to the Seas. Whichh means the Rivers fresh water combines with the Seas salt water. I also learned that 70% of the earth is made of water BUT only a fraction is usable fresh water which makes water one of the most valuable resources in the world. Other things i learned was that having your dog lick your dishes clean isnt a very great way to conserve water.
I think that game was preittty entertainng. I actually got mad when my mom ' accidently ' X'd out the internet heheh because i was getting to the good part haha. It taught me alotta stuff too like what Estuary means, uhmm how to recycle, how to make a food web, and most importantly ; how to destroy a black blob. I think the designers of the game did a Guurrrrrr-Ateee job making the game and theres nothing they could have done better because it was really good. But theres only one complain that i have about the game....the clams voice! Goshh it was soo annoying and he kept shouting and my ears kept hurting :( my ohh myy that was a nightmare.

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