Yew'ree Questionnss .
[( Is BottLed water cLeaner andd tastier thann Tap ? )]
Truffh is, BottLed waterr isnt aLweys cLeann. in aLotta ways, BottLed water is less reguLated then Tapp. Aroundd the worLd peopLe aLweys say that Tap water is wayyy better then BottLed water andd tastee evenn better . Andd BottLed water cost aLott to whichh makes them suckk evenn moree .
[( How is BottLed waterr madee ? )]
oiL is usedd to makee water bottLess . Theyy use a whoLe bunch of oiL each year to makee a water bottLe that it hass enuff oiL andd Energy to fueL up to ahh Million dollars .
[( Where doess it go afterr yew throw thee bottLess awey ? )]
80% of BottLed waters endd up in LandfiLLs,, which they wiLL stay theree for abowt thousandd of yearss . Or in a incinerator,, where they burn andd soon reLease toxic poLuution .
[( What can yew do too heLp soLve the BottLed water probLem ? )]
Stopp buying BottLed water ! i meann likee iff yew buy one,, keep using it instead of throwing it awey cawz then its gonna end up poLLuting our air andd thatss a very very bad issue . Yew can aLso buy a ree useabLe BottLe so yew wont have to keep buying more BottLed waters . Yew can aLso tawk to peopLe andd askk them to put more water fountains aroundd so we wont have too keep buying water .