Yeassshh it is possible tuu be addicted tu games because they have nothinq better tuu do.
The treatment center helps people that are addicted tu games. They takee awey the computers andd games andd leave the peepuLLss there for weeks until they can forget about the games . While they aare there they exercise andd work owt andd otherr acctivitiess that they havent dun while they were home onLinee .
In souffh korea,, the kids play in a room w| a whole bunch ovv other kids on the computer andd they eet there andd stay there all day buhh in amercia we stay at home and play online andd eet w| owr familyy . Unlikee them,, we have tuu get off at a certain time buhh them,, they waste thheir whole day on the computer instead ovv doiing important things .
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