Uhmmmmm imagesss && information that aree okk tu post is like images with your family&&friendss, youu could put what you likee and other stuff you like tuu do. Stuff that isnt okk tuu post is like nuddity photos or other people nudded togethur Or likee ' Sexy ' Photoos. Itss bad tuu put where you live &Or yurr age tuu because there are oLd men or actually eniione whuu wouldd staLk yew & dey gonna come find yew and do bad stuff tu yew.
Nahhh i dnt thinkk i havee ever posted something bad onLine. (: Dee only thing i kinda got in trouble for was ah photo i put of the middLe finger =O Myy Mami saw ith && she complainedd . Sheesh . Shee sed ith wasnt Lady likee .
DefinetLyy NO ! weLL they might have options tuu put ith privatee but other people have ways tuu hack yurr stuff && dey gunnuh end up seeinq all yurr privacyy. So i suggestt iff yew havee sumfinqq yew want no one tuu see, Keep ith tuu yurrseLff && dnt postt ith eniiwheree .
Ithh can affect yuur futuree because when yew apply for jobss and stuff, theyy going tuu prolly look yew up onLinee tuu see iff yew do eniithinqq bad or justt tuu look for yurr records. && iff they see eniithinq badd cominq from yew, they gunnuh bee lykee ohhh they imature or that ohhh they dnt think yew'ree enn ok persiin cause of the things yew do/ or did. Rememburrr thee internet doesnt aLweys delete yurr stuff so itths possiblee tuu loook ith up again.
Friday, May 28, 2010
ProfiLe PenaLtyy .
Piercingss ;
The most interesting parts of this document was how they showed all these people w| all these different kinds of piercings. Most of them scary looking and painful. Ith caught my attention from the start .
People get piercings for many reasons. But O3 reasons i think people get them is because theyy think they'll look cool &&` stuff. Buh they really are destroying their face ! Another reason is because thats how they wanna express themseLves. Its ok for everyone to do that, but if you put so many piercings on your facee...uhmm NO COMMENT D: Some people aLso get piercings to copy others too. Like once they see someone w| ith they think its so ' Awesome ' &` they wanna get ith .
i dont think ith says anything different about a person if they have a piercing on their ear rather then their nose or lips. I guess it depends where you get the piercing . i personally think if you have a piercing on your dots on your chest lol then its immature. [ i dont think Mr.Lahana would lemmie say Nipples xD ] im not sure why . I just feel that some piercings make a person seem immature .&&` HECKK YEAHH ; there is such a thing called TOO MUCH PIERCINGss . I hate people that have them all over their face or all over their body . Ith makes them look so discusting like Duuudeee , yew aint attractiveee -.- Smhhhh .
Thursday, May 27, 2010
TechIssues ; War SimuLationss .
i think O3 advantagees of having war simulations is that you can train to attack people before you do it in reality. Its good to do this because then you can be ready for when you really have to attack people &&` it also helps your aiming. Another advantagee is that you can understand which people to shoot &&` who not to shoot. Like the innocent people , they always get caught in the shooting &&` they get hurt or sometimes they shoot them because they think they are part of thee enemyy teeam or something like that . i think in `1O years this technology would look more realistic andd maybiiee they will allow you to feel the pain of getting shot like if it was in reality except less painful .
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
TechIssuess ; Remote Control Warr .

Fighting in a Predator drone is different from fighting hand to hand because when you use a predator drone , your in a plane , Attacking people from the sky. Its different because if your the one using the predator drone , then your launching bullets to the other people who might be helpless on the ground. Its also different because your not face to face. You can throw bombs everywhere and kill people but hand to hand its more difficult because you cant fled or go anywhere and hide because they are all attacking you. When your in a predator drone, you use buttons to shoot instead of using machine guns &&` all those otheer stuff . its like a video game , Sept lol your killing real people . Its similar because lots of people die or get injured. Either way you get killed .
It doesnt matter if its fair or not because its war . if you dont have that technology then thats too bad . Uhmm lol i dont think i would wanna fly a predator drone ..EVER . unless its for fun . i dont wanna be a killer or be in the army lol ima good girl ( :
Thursday, May 20, 2010
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010
DistractiOnn Testt (:

Somee times i do listen to music whiLe im studying . Buhh im someone who gets distracted easiLy so sometimes i cant even concentratee because i end up singing aLong or changing the song or paying more attention to the lyrics than studying . On the test, i really ddnt have a problem with the music that was playing . The only music that i think would distract me though is the rap or whatever that music was for Part O2 .
On the follow up quiz i did......
....PERFECT !!
LOL (: i ddnt get nothing wrong andd im serious dnt think im lying cause i aint OK . (: buh yeah, aLthough the music was playing, i still managed to concentrate andd remember everything i had read from the story .
i think that iff there was math probLemss instead of the story thenn i might not wanna do it at all . i HATE math with a passion haha . (: Even with music i think i wont concentrate because if the math is to hard i wont bother to try to do it . so yeah i think i'dd pretty much FaiL that test .