i think O3 advantagees of having war simulations is that you can train to attack people before you do it in reality. Its good to do this because then you can be ready for when you really have to attack people &&` it also helps your aiming. Another advantagee is that you can understand which people to shoot &&` who not to shoot. Like the innocent people , they always get caught in the shooting &&` they get hurt or sometimes they shoot them because they think they are part of thee enemyy teeam or something like that . i think in `1O years this technology would look more realistic andd maybiiee they will allow you to feel the pain of getting shot like if it was in reality except less painful .
Thursday, May 27, 2010
TechIssues ; War SimuLationss .
i think O3 advantagees of having war simulations is that you can train to attack people before you do it in reality. Its good to do this because then you can be ready for when you really have to attack people &&` it also helps your aiming. Another advantagee is that you can understand which people to shoot &&` who not to shoot. Like the innocent people , they always get caught in the shooting &&` they get hurt or sometimes they shoot them because they think they are part of thee enemyy teeam or something like that . i think in `1O years this technology would look more realistic andd maybiiee they will allow you to feel the pain of getting shot like if it was in reality except less painful .
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