Fighting in a Predator drone is different from fighting hand to hand because when you use a predator drone , your in a plane , Attacking people from the sky. Its different because if your the one using the predator drone , then your launching bullets to the other people who might be helpless on the ground. Its also different because your not face to face. You can throw bombs everywhere and kill people but hand to hand its more difficult because you cant fled or go anywhere and hide because they are all attacking you. When your in a predator drone, you use buttons to shoot instead of using machine guns &&` all those otheer stuff . its like a video game , Sept lol your killing real people . Its similar because lots of people die or get injured. Either way you get killed .
It doesnt matter if its fair or not because its war . if you dont have that technology then thats too bad . Uhmm lol i dont think i would wanna fly a predator drone ..EVER . unless its for fun . i dont wanna be a killer or be in the army lol ima good girl ( :
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