The most interesting parts of this document was how they showed all these people w| all these different kinds of piercings. Most of them scary looking and painful. Ith caught my attention from the start .
People get piercings for many reasons. But O3 reasons i think people get them is because theyy think they'll look cool &&` stuff. Buh they really are destroying their face ! Another reason is because thats how they wanna express themseLves. Its ok for everyone to do that, but if you put so many piercings on your facee...uhmm NO COMMENT D: Some people aLso get piercings to copy others too. Like once they see someone w| ith they think its so ' Awesome ' &` they wanna get ith .
i dont think ith says anything different about a person if they have a piercing on their ear rather then their nose or lips. I guess it depends where you get the piercing . i personally think if you have a piercing on your dots on your chest lol then its immature. [ i dont think Mr.Lahana would lemmie say Nipples xD ] im not sure why . I just feel that some piercings make a person seem immature .&&` HECKK YEAHH ; there is such a thing called TOO MUCH PIERCINGss . I hate people that have them all over their face or all over their body . Ith makes them look so discusting like Duuudeee , yew aint attractiveee -.- Smhhhh .
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